Perpetual Adoration | Adoración Perpetua
Have you considered an hour of Adoration? | ¿Has considerado una hora de adoración?
Please consider being a substitute for Adoration. You can choose the hours you're available in 3 hour blocks. To sign up, you can go to or you can call Ruth Pendilla, Cynthia Pelfrey, or any Adoration coordinator.
Por favor considere ser un sustituto para la Adoración Eucarística. Puede elegir su disponibilidad en bloques de 3 horas. Puede ir a!?date=2020-05-24 para registrarse o llamar a Ruth Pendilla, Cynthia Pelfrey o cualquier coordinador de Adoración.
Why Adore the Blessed Sacrament?
The Benefits of Adoring the Blessed Sacrament
Personal Testimony of Barbara Jupina
One evening while at adoration, I was feeling down. I felt as if I had no one to talk to. I looked up at the Blessed Sacrament and I said to myself, “To whom should I turn to for I’ve come to believe you are the Christ.” As I turned the page from the book I was reading there was that same verse. I wanted to shout with joy, “Hey guys, do you know what happened to me?!” I know it wasn’t a coincidence. My Holy hour goes by so fast, by the time I bring my joys, sorrows, prayers, and readings, the hour is over.
On this evening, while sitting in front of the Blessed Sacrament, I was reading the 10th day of 33 days to Morning Glory. I finally got a great Enlightenment of the Immaculate Conception and Our Holy Mother. I’ve been Catholic my whole life and I have never felt this way about her before. I felt her holy presence at my side. I kept saying to myself, “of course, of course,” she is the most Holy, purest, and of course, she is the Mother of God.”
Thank you, Jesus
The Importance of Adoration
“Could you not watch one hour with me?”
Mt. 26:40
--St. Padre Pio. Patron Saint of Adoration Adorers--
"A thousand years of enjoying human glory is not worth even an hour spent in sweetly communing with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament."
--St. Peter Julian Eymard--
“Look upon the hour of adoration assigned to you as an hour in paradise. Go to your adoration as one would to heaven, to the divine banquet. You will then long for that hour and hail it with joy. Take delight in fostering a longing for it in your heart. Tell yourself, "In four hours, in two hours, in one hour, our Lord will give me an audience of grace and love. He has invited me; he is waiting for me; he is longing for me."
--Mother Teresa of Calcutta--
“The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the best time you will spend on earth. Each moment that you spend with Jesus will deepen your union with Him and make your soul everlastingly more glorious and beautiful in Heaven, and will help bring about everlasting peace on earth.”
--Cardinal Wiseman--
“A visit to the Blessed Sacrament declares at once the simple, hearty, practical belief in the real presence of Christ, a plain conviction, a meeting with God face to face.”
--St. Peter Julian Eymard--
“Eucharistic adoration is the greatest of actions. To adore is to share the life of Mary on earth when she adored the Word Incarnate in her virginal womb, when she adored Him in the Crib, on Calvary, in the divine Eucharist.”
--St. Angela of Foligno--
“If we but paused for a moment to consider attentively what takes place in this Sacrament, I am sure that the thought of Christ’s love for us would transform the coldness of our hearts into a fire of love and gratitude.”
--St. Maria Faustina--
Jesus speaking to St. Faustina - '(Daily) adore in the Most Blessed Sacrament My Heart, which is full of mercy'. When St. Faustina was praying before Jesus in the Holy Eucharist He showed her a vision. Each time a person entered the chapel and visited Jesus exposed in a monstrance, she saw His Divine Rays of Love and Mercy burst forth and encircle the world and everyone in it with graces and blessings! Through Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Jesus unleashes His rays of healing upon us, our families, and the whole world.
--St. Alphonsus Ligouri--
“It consoles a soul far beyond what the world can offer.”
--Pope Benedict XVI--
"Let us beseech the Lord to reawaken in us the joy at his presence and that we may once more adore him. Without adoration, there is no transformation of the world."
--Pope John Paul II--
“I encourage Christians regularly to visit Christ present in the Blessed Sacrament, for we are all called to abide in the presence of God. In contemplation, Christians will perceive ever more profoundly the mystery at the heart of Christian life.”
--Cardinal Newman--
“The Blessed Sacrament is that Presence which makes a Catholic Church different from every other place in the world; which makes it, as no other place can be, holy."
All quotes are taken from:
33 Famous Quotes on Eucharistic Adoration.
---complied by Jesus Youth,
Jose Sodari Testimony
I still remember the mass when they introduced perpetual adoration and they asked for volunteers and my wife leaned over and said “let’s do that”. We walked out of mass and I walked over to get info and before I knew it I signed up for Thursday mornings at 12 AM to 1 AM. Keep in mind, I had a very busy career, 4 kids and a wife with a full time job. My thought was how will I squeeze this in? At the time I had many reasons to do this, first and foremost, I had recently learned of my brother having stage 4 prostate cancer with a 12 month life expectancy. Secondly, my wife and I had a very busy and stressful schedule that almost left us with minimal quality time with our kids. Thirdly, my parent’s health in AZ had been slowly deteriorating and it was very hard to visit them. These were just a few reasons I was motivated to focus on some quality prayer time for myself during perpetual adoration. Little did I know this would change my life!
As I began perpetual adoration I had the mindset of praying for everyone and hoping for answers to my stress and chaos. The more I went the more I realized it was not about me praying for other people and praying for things to get better, for me perpetual adoration became me offering myself to the lord and getting to know his merciful love. During the hour I was there every week, I felt peace and tranquility, a sense of being at the right place at the right time. My life did begin to change after I let Jesus move me forward in life instead of me trying to move forward with Jesus only when I needed him. It turns out that I need him with me 24/7 and having that 1 hour with him made everything easier and my it filled my heart. I will not claim that my life was perfect after that, far from it. For example, my father a few months later was diagnosed with stomach cancer and has had several evasive surgeries and struggles with cancer treatment therapy after having a major portion of his stomach removed. But so much of my life has been blessed with the understanding of God’s love for all of us and us all having a purpose and us receiving our reward with him when we are done with his work on this earth.
I did put my life in his hands during perpetual adoration and asked Jesus to lead me in the direction he wants me to go, what he needs me to do, and that I am his to do as he wishes. Through Jesus all things are possible, they may not happen the way you may think or plan but when you pray for his blessings and acknowledge his blessings regardless the outcome you get what you ask for in his name.
I would describe my interpretation of perpetual adoration in the following way: “perpetual adoration is my one on one time to get to know myself through God’s eyes and grow my faith with my heavenly father, Jesus”.