Parish Pastoral Council

Sandra Arellano

Peggy Steel
In Memoriam

Tómas Hernandez

Hector Franco

Maria Martinez

Cheryl Erickson

Joe Mitchell

Nina Garrido

Gela Solis

Sandra Rueles
Pastoral Council Guidelines
Pastoral Council Commitment Forms
Parish Finance Council

June McJunkin

Judi Mallen

Melinda Catbagan

Tom Ortner
The Parish Finance Council functions as a consultative body to the pastor. It consists of selected professionals to advise the pastor in these areas:
- Preparation of the annual operating budget
- Long-term financial planning
- Annual parish financial report, which is submitted to the Diocesan Bishop
- Annual and periodic financial reports to the faithful
The Council ensures that an adequate system of internal controls is in place to guide the parish in caring for and managing financial resources and temporal goods. The Parish Finance Council observes all policies and procedures outlined in the Parish Financial Management Handbook.
Stewardship Committee

Gina Krog

Nancy Summy

Mike Cowley

Mario McCarthy

Cora Garcia

Helen Gomez

Kathy Anderson

Rosalyn Watson

Susan Burky
Parish Leadership Team

Michelle Knox, Helen Gomez, Susan Burky, Father Avram Brown