Chamoru Ministry of St Isidore Church was formed on March 22, 2016.
Chamorus have been nourished by the Word of God and the Sacraments by the missionaries who offered their lives for our faith; now encourage being more faithful disciples of Jesus Christ in the realization of God's Kingdom.
Mission: The Chamoru Ministry, aware of our identity as members of the Catholic Church of St Isidore, commit ourselves to:
1. Foster the growh of Chamorus Christian faith and traditions.
2. Promote fellowship and unity among the people of the Marianas Islands.
3. Instill camaraderie among our families in the parish, creating a family oriented group working together in harmony for the St. Isidore Church and its mission.
4. Respond to the spiritual needs of our members and underprivileged through charitable activity and advocacy intervention.
5. Showcase and reflect our culture and contribute to the worship and celebration of the parish at large.
1. Participate and collaborate with the Parish leadership: Clergy, Religious and Laity.
2. Share our religious and cultural heritage to other cultures through the crowning of Our Lady of Camarin.
Please join us by sharing your time, talent and dedication to serve God's community.