Parish Bible Study

Bible Study/Estudio Biblico (for more info. contact Emmanuel Orejel at [email protected])

In Person (ENGLISH) - Tuesdays at 5 pm @ St. Isidore School Room #5 or

via Zoom Meeting ID: 465 939 2718 Password: 1

En Persona (ESPAÑOL) - Jueves @ 6 pm en el salon #7 en la Escuela de San Isidore o

via Zoom Meeting ID: 465 939 2718 contraseña 1



Many adults come to a point of conversion later in life, when they find that their way of life is not leading to ultimate happiness. They come with questions, past experiences, and sincere humility. If you have a gift for teaching the doctrine and practice of the faith with sensitivity, ardor, and integrity, we'd like to hear from you. These adults often need teachers and/or sponsors to accompany them in this time of conversion and growth.

Parents are the first catechists of their children. To serve the parish as a catechist requires a person to recognize that they are at the service of the parents to provide support in teaching their children in the knowledge and practice of the faith, helping the children to develop a deep and intimate relationship with Christ.

If you think you are called to serve in this way, please fill out the contact form below.

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Rooted in our Catholic faith, we are a teaching ministry committed to promoting the spiritual, academic, and developmental growth of each student within our local community.


St. Isidore Catholic School is committed to be a premier school with a solid academic foundation, up to date infrastructure, and fiscally sound with a significant presence in our community.


St. Isidore Catholic School is dedicated to educating the whole child. Our aim is to promote the spiritual, academic, and physical growth of each individual student in a positive environment. The goals of the school are stated in and reflected in the Mission Statement and the Student Learning Expectations. The goals are implemented at each individual grade level by specifically planned and articulated Diocesan Standards, which are addressed with grade appropriate programs, lessons, and activities for mastery of basic skills.

St. Isidore Catholic School is a faith community, committed to knowing and serving Christ. We are a culture of continuous improvement dedicated to academic excellence. We are a Eucharistic people educating students in true service of faith, action, and integrity, empowered by the Holy Spirit. Our learning environment integrates shared faith and values with the culture of the community, guided by the teachings of Jesus Christ, in partnership with families, as the primary educators.

To learn more about the school or if you have any questions, you can call the school office (530) 673-1573. Thank you!


The Ministry to the Sick and Elderly provides a critical connection for house-bound parish members.

When these members are unable to attend Mass, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion will bring them the Holy Eucharist. Readings from the Mass and an update to current events through the parish bulletin are also shared during these home visits.

If you are interested in aiding in this ministry, please contact Nina and Henry Garrido through the parish office at (530) 673-1573.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul assists those in need with food, clothing, rent and utility bills, furniture, household goods, etc. We operate a food locker Tu -Th 9:15-11:15 to provide food, clothing and household goods. Each request for financial assistance is followed up with a home visit by a team of volunteers. The volunteers are the eyes, ears and hands of Jesus and are an example of his love and concern for all of our brothers and sisters. On the home visit, they gather information on the needs of the family, assess the situation, and offer assistance when appropriate. These home visits close with an invitation to prayer if the persons are open to that offer.

Regional Emergency Shelter Team-REST

Prayer Blanket Ministry

Right to Life

St Paul Street Evangelization


Legion Of Mary 2


The office of altar server was created around a thousand years ago so there would be a group of people who could stand in for acolytes when none were available. Today that is the case in most parishes, and therefore the position of altar server has come to predominate at most Masses.

However, the position of altar server is not sacramental and so need not be reserved to males. Currently, the Church allows the use of female altar servers: "Where the needs of the Church require and ministers are not available, lay people, even though they are not lectors or acolytes, can supply certain of their functions, that is, exercise the ministry of the word, preside over liturgical prayers" (CIC 230 §3).

Today, nearly all that remains for altar servers is to hand the priests the unconsecrated elements and the cruets and to help him wash his hands.

Acolyte Instruction Book

"Those who exercise the ministry of lectors, even if they have not received instruction must be truly qualified and carefully prepared in order that the faithful will develop a warm and lively love for Scripture from listening to the reading of the sacred texts."
General Instruction on the Roman Missal #66

What is a Lector?

"Lectors exercise a genuine liturgical function. They ought to discharge their office, therefore, with the sincere devotion and decorum demanded by so exalted a ministry and rightly expected of them by God's people." 
Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy # 29

"Those who exercise the ministry of lectors, even if they have not received instruction must be truly qualified and carefully prepared in order that the faithful will develop a warm and lively love for Scripture from listening to the reading of the sacred texts."
General Instruction on the Roman Missal #66

“A speaking style on the part of the lectors that is audible, clear and intelligent is the first means of transmitting the Word of God properly to the assembly." 
Lectionary for Mass Introduction #14

"Their preparation must above all be spiritual , but what may be called a technical preparation is also needed. The spiritual preparation presupposes at least a biblical and liturgical formation. The purpose of their biblical formation is to give readers the ability to understand the readings in context and to perceive by the light of faith the central point of the revealed message. The liturgical formation ought to equip the lector to have some grasp of the meaning and structure of the liturgy of the word and the significance of its connection with the liturgy of the Eucharist. The technical preparation should make the lector more skilled in the art of reading publicly, either with power of their own voice or with the help of sound equipment." 
Lectionary for Mass: Introduction # 55

Our Mission

Our mission of the usher at St. Isidore is that of hospitality. Our service is making parishioners and guests feel welcome and comfortable as we gather for our Eucharistic celebration. Our ushers are able to see the presence of Christ in each person as they arrive.

Qualities of an Usher

This ministry is open to all parishioners; men and women; senior citizen, parent and teenager. Ushers are friendly people who welcome all ages and nationalities. Their faith enables them to see Christ's presence in individuals and in the gathered community of believers. Ushers are honest and dependable. They can handle emergency situations with courage and composure. They carry a dignity about themselves even when performing menial tasks.


  • Greeting parishioners as they enter for worship
  • Selecting a family to make the Offertory presentation
  • Assisting in the seating of parishioners and guests
  • Maintenance of the climate control system during Mass
  • Providing the weekly bulletin to members of the congregation
  • Taking up the Offertory collection
  • Wishing everyone a good day at the conclusion of the celebration of the Mass
  • Cleaning up the church after Mass
  • collecting excess bulletins and papers left behind in the pews
  • Handling emergency situations with courage and composure

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are called upon to share the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ with St. Isidore's parishioners at Mass, in our local hospitals and nursing homes,
and to those who are bound to their homes.

Ministry is never self-seeking... but giving, and it is the kind of giving in which one loves the persons one gives to.


  • practicing Catholic, having been Baptized and Confirmed in the Catholic Church,
  • if married, married in the Catholic Church,
  • at least 18 years of age,
  • attend appropriate formation and training, and
  • make a minimum of a two year commitment

If you are interested, please leave your name, address, and phone number at the parish office. Note which choice of Mass for which you prefer to be scheduled. Please also note if you are available for Holy Days and Masses of special occasions. Thank you!

Instrumentalists, We Need You

We need musicians (piano, organists, brass, woods, or string instruments) who can accompany a choir or cantor(s).

If you have any questions or would like to sing or play an instrument in our groups, call (530) 673-1573.


Join our Choir

The St. Isidore Choir rehearses every Wednesday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in Church. New members just need to join us at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesdays.

This is a beautiful way to honor our Lord and serve our parish community. You don't need to read music to join, just have a love for singing and praising our God!


Our Mission

The mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is to provide opportunities for our members (Vincentians) to grow spiritually by serving others through person-to-person encounters.

How We Serve

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul assists those in need with food, clothing, rent and utility bills, furniture, household goods, etc.  We operate a food locker Tu -Th 9:15-11:15 to provide food, clothing and household goods.  Each request for financial assistance is followed up with a home visit by a team of volunteers.  The volunteers are the eyes, ears and hands of Jesus and are an example of his love and concern for all of our brothers and sisters.  On the home visit, they gather information on the needs of the family, assess the situation, and offer assistance when appropriate.  These home visits close with an invitation to prayer if the persons are open to that offer. 

Contact Information

Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
c/o St. Isidore Catholic Church
222 Clark Avenue
Yuba City, CA 95991


Our Catholic faith teaches us to “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” Members of the Knights of Columbus show love for their neighbors by conducting food drives and donating the food to local soup kitchens and food pantries, by volunteering at Special Olympics, and by supporting, both spiritually and materially, mothers who choose life for their babies. Knights recognize that our mission, and our faith in God, compels us to action. There is no better way to experience love and compassion than by helping those in need, a call we answer every day.


None of us is as good as all of us. Members of the Knights of Columbus all know that – together – we can accomplish far more than any of us could individually. So we stick together…we support one another. That doesn’t mean that we always agree or that there is never a difference of opinion. It does mean that – as a Knight of Columbus – you can count on the support and encouragement of your brother Knights as you work to make life better in your parish and community.


The Venerable Michael J. McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus, in large part, to provide assistance to the widows and children left behind when the family breadwinner died – often prematurely. The Order’s top-rated insurance program continues to do this today, as do individual Knights, who last year gave more than 10 million hours of their time to assist sick and/or disabled members and their families. In the Knights of Columbus, we watch out for and take care of one another.


Members of the Knights of Columbus, be they Americans, Canadians, Mexicans, Cubans, Filipinos, Poles, or Dominicans, are patriotic citizens. We are proud of our devotion to God and country, and believe in standing up for both. Whether it’s in public or private, the Knights remind the world that Catholics support their nations and are amongst the greatest citizens

For more information, you can send an email to: [email protected]

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Service Interest Form