View the Legion of Mary National Website
- Do you want to learn more about the Catholic faith?
- Do you want to enrich your prayer life?
- Do you want to develop close Catholic friendships?
- Do you want to grow closer to Jesus and His Mother?
- Then come as a guest to a Legion of Mary meeting!
- There's no obligation!
Who Are We?
The Legion of Mary is the largest apostolic organization of lay people in the Catholic Church, with well over 10 million active members in almost 170 counteries. It has been active in the United States since 1931, has been approved by the last 6 Popes, and was endorsed by the Second Vatican Council.
The main purpose of the Legion of Mary is to give glory to God through the sanctification of its members, who offer their services to their pastor to aid him in the performance of spiritual works within the parish community.
What Do We Do?
The objectives of the Legion of Mary are to:
Increase the personal holiness of its members, who, taking Mary as their model, endeavor to imitate her virtues, especially her Faith, Charity, and Humility,
Spread the devotion to Mary, primarily by encouraging the recitation of the Rosary, which is a weapon against the Devil and evil. Each Hail Mary is a bullet into the heart of demons.
Perform apostolic work under the direction of the Spiritual Director of the parish praesidium (chapter).
To meet these objectives we become instruments of the Holy Spirit through a balanced program of prayer and service. Works can include parishioner visitation, welcoming of "newcomers" to our parish, visitation of the sick or aged, and meeting the other spiritual needs of the parish community. Legionaries are under the guidance of a spiritual director named by our Pastor. The Legion is, in essence, an extension of the heart and hands of the Pastor.
How Does It Work?
Our goal is to bring members of our parish community closer to God and to increase the faith of the membership. We make Eucharistic visits to those in the community who are sick or "shut ins" and can't get to church, we welcome and evangelize new members of our parish community. We meet once a week for prayer, planning and discussion. Then we provide two hours of service to the parish community each week, working in pairs and under the guidance of our spiritual director. Members of the Legion of Mary can be Active Members or Auxiliary (praying) Members.
Who Can Belong?
The Legion of Mary is open to all Catholic men and women, who:
Faithfully practice their religion;
Are animated by the desire to participate in the Church's apostolate through membership in the Legion;
Are prepared to fulfill the duties of Active or Auxiliary Membership in the Legion
How Do I Start?
The first step is to be a guest at a meeting of the Legion of Mary. Guests are always welcome and can go on one of the work assignments with an experienced member if they choose.
When Do We Meet?
The Mary, Queen of the Angels meet every Monday from 4 to 6pm in the Bride's Room or Lounge in the vestibule of the church.
Legion Retreats
We have a retreat each year in September. We also have a meeting of the officers and any others who may wish to attend in the Chico area for the Northern California Legions.
How Can I Get More Info?
If you would like more information or would like to join our organization (including transferring from one of the other national groups) please contact Pat Whitten (President) 530-673-2613, or Cristy Sue.